Delivery & Shipping

Where do you ship?

We currently ship worldwide, we look forward to offering world-wide shipping options soon.

How do I track my order?

You will be sent a tracking link along with status updates, after your order ships. We will also send you shipment updates as your package gets near! You can always contact our support team if you have any questions along the way.

Does offer free shipping?

All orders over $100 are shipped at no cost to you.

When will my order ship?

All orders ship in 1-3 business days. Please note we do rely on reputable carriers to deliver shipments and some shipments may be impacted by transit delays. Either way, we will always do whatever it takes to get your True Classics delivered.

My package shows delivered but I did not receive it?

Occasionally, carriers will prematurely mark a package as delivered and it will show up a few days later. If it has not shown up within a day or two of delivery confirmation, please contact us, so we may sort it out with the carrier.

How long does shipping take?

DHL E-Commerce, Orders generally leave our warehouse within 1-3 business days. Depending on the shipping method you select.

US: 9-15 working days.

UK or EUROPE: 11-16 working days.

Australia: 10-15 working days.

Canada: 10-15 working days.